What is Birth to 22?
Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures (Birth to 22) supports the healthy growth, development and education of our children and youth prenatally through young adulthood, so that they can graduate from high school and succeed in life. Committed to a common agenda, Birth to 22 is an alliance of Palm Beach County community partners that engages and aligns existing coalitions, networks, systems and youth-serving organizations, as well as connecting families, community members, and most importantly, with local young people directly. This cradle to career alliance has grown from five organizations in 2013 to over 300 in 2019.
How Does the Work Get Done?
In 2015, the Birth to 22 alliance developed a Youth Master Plan “Strengthening the Steps to Success” with the assistance of the Forum for Youth Investments, Inc. This plan was developed after holding 11 community conversations and surveying hundreds of youth. Throughout the development of the plan, six major areas of need were identified: economic access, parenting and role models, social and emotional supports, educational supports, health and wellness supports and the removal of community stressors and systemic barriers. Action Teams and Workgroups were created to address the needs and provide logistics support. The Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County and the Palm Beach County Youth Services Department were identified as the backbone support for the alliance. In 2024, the Youth Master Plan was updated after widespread input from throughout Palm Beach County.
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Send us a message via web
50 S Military Trail, Suite 203
West Palm Beach FL 33415
Phone: 561-242-5700
Email: pbc-birthto22@pbcgov.org